Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

May 22 is my precious grandmother’s birthday. She was one of the hardest working women I have ever known. I had the unique and amazing opportunity to live with her for almost a year when I was a about 13 years old while she battled breast cancer. I will blog her story sometime. But for now, I just want to focus on a few things I still say on a very regular basis that remind me of her. Sophie, or Grammy, had this saying: plan your work & work your plan! I know it’s not original to her but I originally heard it from her, and it stuck. In other words, stay committed! Commitment is key when accomplishing a goal of any kind. And Grammy, being the foodie she was, also said this all the time: “I’m not talkin while the flavor lasts!” In other words, keep out distractions. They only take away the essence and timing of what you’re doing. What mindless chatter is going on in your head lately? Can you clean up your thoughts? Your space? Your crowd? “Run with the dogs and you get fleas.” You’ll pick up the habits of those around you, whether they’re good or bad habits (this doesn’t mean the person is good or bad), but are those habits you’re picking up leading you to your goal? Success breeds success, so surround yourself with like-minded people who share a common goal with you. If you want to stay married, don’t go on single-ladies-men-bashing-night. If you want to be prosperous, hang out with people that inspire you (these people can be dead or alive; will hanging out at home reading Jim Rhon going to make you more successful by infiltrating your thoughts, which will then lead to actions? YES.) If you want to lose a few pounds, schedule walking dates or outdoor activities with friends rather than happy hours or dinner. I know, I know, all my friends tell me…but you gotta eat sometime right?! Well, of course I do. But I still want to eat the whole foods I prepare at home to save money, and control the calories and chemicals I put into my body. Everything in moderation: I’ll go out for a drink, but I always balance it with a pre-workout (get it, gym rats?) and  follow it up with water, a walk and the steam room. BALANCE and diligence.

Andre Agassi says that mess causes distraction. The devil loves distraction. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t let him steal your focus, thus destroying your plans. Remember, in Matthew 14, Peter only started to sink when he focused on the wind around him, therefore taking his eyes off of Jesus. Keep your eyes on the Prize and you can achieve anything!


If a task is once begun, never leave it ’til it’s done. Be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all!
